Samsung Galaxy Note review - Engadget Samsung's new GT-N7000 Galaxy Note is the handset those dreams are made of -- if you happen to share that dream about obnoxiously large smartphones, that is. It's as thin as a Galaxy S II, lightning fast and its 5.3-inch HD Super AMOLED display is as ...
Samsung - 全部型號- Galaxy Note 10.1 (Wi-Fi,2014) 規格與平板 ... Samsung 三星在2013 德國IFA 大展之前,正式發表了規格、外型都更加進化的10 吋 手寫平板:Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1(2014 版)。這台10 吋安卓平板乍看之下和 ...
Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014 Edition) review - CNET The improved S Pen goes a long way to making this high-end tablet worth the extra cost, but if you're not sold on the stylus, it's easy to find a better deal. ... The Good Samsung's Galaxy Note 10.1 (2014) has Android 4.3, impressive processing muscle, tw
神腦官網-SAMSUNG Note 10.1 2014 LTE P6050 - 神腦國際官網 SAMSUNG Note 10.1 2014 LTE P6050. 白/黑. 建議售價:$21,900元. 10.1吋觸控 螢幕,2560 x 1600 pixels螢幕解析度; 搭載Android 4.3作業系統; 2.3GHz 四核心 ...
GALAXY Note 10.1 2014 Edition | SAMSUNG 香港 對細節的不懈追求,塑造出全新版本的GALAXY Note 10.1 (2014 Edition)。相較上 一代,邊框更為纖幼,體積更小更輕。背面的仿皮設計,配合貼手防滑及防指紋材料, ...
Galaxy Note 10.1 (4G、2014 版) - 買賣 - ePrice 比價王 Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1 2014 特仕版4G LTE (黑); 售價: $18,500; 型號: Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 (4G,2014) ...
Samsung GALAXY Note 10.1 2014 特仕版4G LTE (SM ... 2013年11月8日 - SideSync 是全新跨設備整合方案,使得舉凡螢幕畫面、視窗以及資料都能在電腦、Galaxy 系列的平板與手機之間輕鬆共享。SideSync 使電腦與行動 ...
台灣三星-行動電話- 平板電腦 - Samsung Samsung 穿戴式裝置實際支援範圍及限制將視各支援機種而有不同,並隨時依軟體 更新版本進行調整。如欲了解特定裝置之 ... Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 2014 Edition (32GB, White): Computers & Accessories This sleek, stylish tablet comes with a 10.1" Full HD touch screen to display movies, Web sites and more with impressive visual fidelity. The included S Pen is pressure sensitive and allows you to draw, write, edit and more as easily as if you were using
三星note 10.1 Lte - 影片搜尋